Wild Game Feast
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Rotary’s Wild Game Feast March 6, 2025.
A very special thank you to the more than 1,450 people who attended the 2024 Rotary Wild Game Feast. We had a beautiful evening filled with fun, food and fellowship and we raised funds to benefit Project Youth Build. We look forward to seeing you March 6, 2025 for our 40th anniversary.
Over the past 39 years the Wild Game Feast has become not only the largest annual fundraising event for the Gainesville area Rotary Clubs, but also one of the most highly anticipated and well attended such event in the entire Gainesville area community. During that time the Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation has raised over $3.275 million for worthy local charitable organizations. The event began in 1985 when a group of Alachua County Rotarians got together to raise money for the Scholarship house – to provide support for UF students in need of room and board assistance. The pursuant fundraiser was held at a site east of Gainesville known today as the Rotary Conservation Area at Hatchet Creek. With its vast open layout and rugged natural outdoor beauty, the site has proven to be an elegant venue for Rotarians, friends and other community members to enjoy superb, unique food and casual, genuine fellowship as we support wonderful local charities.
The site of the annual Rotary Seafood Spectacular and the Annual Wild Game Feast is located at 4841 NE 118th Drive, Gainesville, FL 32641. This is approximately 5.5 miles east of the Gainesville Regional Airport entrance and 2 miles east of the intersection of State Road 222 (also known as NE 39th Avenue) and State Road 26.
Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization with representation from all recognized Alachua County Rotary Clubs.
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where will the Wild Game Feast be held?
The 40th Annual Wild Game Feast will be held March 6, 2025, at The Conservation Area at Hatch Creek, 4841 NE 118th Drive, Gainesville, FL 32641.
Who can get tickets to the Wild Game Feast?
The Wild Game Feast is open to the public. Tickets are available from all Gainesville Area Rotary members or online.
How much are tickets to the Wild Game Feast?
Tickets purchased on or before February 29, 2024, are $85.00 each or 6 for $425.00. Ticket prices will go to $100.00 each on March 1, 2024.
What should I wear to the Wild Game Feast?
It’s very casual at the Wild Game Feast! Early March in Florida may be cool so dress appropriately but the casual-wear is up to you!
Will alcoholic beverages be served?
Yes. Beer, wine and an open bar are available. Also water and sodas are available. NO alcoholic beverages will be served to anyone under the age of 21.
What’s on the menu?
Main Dishes
- Bacon Wrapped Venison
- Buffalo Roast
- Fried Gator Tail
- Prairie Chicken
- Fried Wild Quail
- Wild Hog Sausage
- Orange Lake Frog Legs
- Whole Wild Hog
- Bison Brisket
- Florida Wild Hog Ribs
- Wild Turkey
- Pulled Wild Boar
- Oysters on the half shell
- Vegan Entree
- Cedar Key Clams…and many more!
Trimmings and Dessert
- Hill’s BBQ Famous Green Beans
- Cole Slaw
- Hush Puppies
- Sweet Onion Rings
- Heirloom Tomatoes
- Chili
- Buffalo Stew
- Wild Rice
- Texas Caviar
- Eastside ICA Veggies
- Beer
- Open Bar
- Soda
- Water
- Wine
Who were the recipients of the 2024 Rotary Wild Game Feast
The 2024 Wild Game Feast will support the Project Youthbuild.
Purchase Tickets
Tickets are available for $100 at the gate. Tickets purchased online on or before February 15, 2025, will be mailed to you. Online tickets purchased after February 15, 2025, will be at the Will Call desk. For tickets purchased before February 16, if you prefer to pick up at the Will Call desk please send email to tickets@rotarygainesville.org and let us know.